Balboa Street   6:56 pm



I switched From Blue Shield to Kaiser Permanente in January. (Why did I not do this ten years ago? Kaiser is so organized and so responsive. And the cost is less.)

Today I had to get a hearing test because it turns out I'm not as good a listener as I thought I was. Look what was right outside my doc's office!

A Fun Reading Experience


What a project: A few years ago John Banville decided to pick up where Henry James left off (in 1880), and to continue the adventures of Isabel Osmond for us. I loved both books.

Balboa Street at the beach   7:28 pm

Ocean Beach   4:45 pm

Ocean Beach   7:22 pm

The Coastal Trail   5:50 pm

Judah Street @ the beach   5:45 pm

Taraval Street @ the beach   5:43 pm

A wonderful opening at FOG (paintings and sculpture by Connie Harris)...

And then to Sausalito to see Meg Fleming read and sign her new book Ready, Set, Sail. This tiny branch of Book Passage is right on the harbor, and Meg's book made a big splash. An amazing presentation.

Ocean Beach   5:13 pm

Twice Cooked Pizza

Saturday: Gaspares Pizza with our lovable next door neighbors

Sunday: Leftover pizza with leftover falafel on the side (styled by Tom)



Mushly finally redeemed her birthday coupon. After a fine lunch at Streamline, she and I slipped into FOG to see Jeffrey Nemeroff's show. That's Mush and Anne below, standing in front of Seascape.


Please Take If You Are Cold

One of the nicest things I've seen: warm caps hanging at the end of Taraval by the path to the beach. There were ten or twenty of the packages - and it was COLD out there. Windy too.

Ocean Beach   6:24 pm

Home Again

Ocean Beach   5:43 pm


Our house on Cerro Gordo Road

Chronologically, the photo above really comes first. It was the middle of the night. Larry got up to go to the bathroom. Since a slight chance of snow had been predicted, Barbara asked him if it was snowing. He was very sleepy and didn't feel like it at all, but he peeked out the window anyway. IT WAS SNOWING! Barbara and Larry ran outside and banged on Tom's and my windows. We threw on coats and gathered on the front porch. I hadn't seen snow in 20 years. We were spellbound. Five inches by morning.