Picture Book People: Katrina Goldsaito, Keely Parrack, Cindy Derby, Meg Fleming Lentz, me.

Ms Mushly, Anna, and me at Mifune, awaiting some news from the hospital up the hill where Anna's dad was in surgery. The news was good!


Larry & Barbara shot this photograph of a Hooded Merganser this weekend at the big Merritt Island Preserve on the Atlantic coast.

Ocean Beach   4:56 pm


Ocean Beach   4:41 pm

On the sidewalk near Bi-Rite, where we picked up our Thanksgiving carry-out.

Walking home down the Great Highway on the eve of Thanksgiving. This walk will always be in my dreams no matter where we go or how long I live.


Above the Sutro Baths   4:49 pm


Ocean Beach   4:48 pm


It feels like winter, anyway. And it's only 5:15 p.m.

(I hope!) I'm sewing this on my jacket tonight. You can order one for yourself here for $6.00.


Anne's Opening is Next Saturday

a detail from Anne's painting Elephant Crossing

My friend Anne is showing her work along with another artist, Mamade Kadreebux. The Opening Celebration will be next Saturday, November 12, from 12-6 pm. The show will take place at Anne's gallery, FOG.

a painting by Mamade Kadreebux. It doesn't have a name as of yet; I think Anne and Mamade were busy naming paintings today!


That's the original Mimi over there on the right, and these are the stickers I told her mom I would make (how many years ago, Mari?). Mimi, I promise the next batch will include a pony, a unicorn, a Pegasus, and an alicorn.

Closer and closer. The snowy owl in the very middle is giving me fits.

Walking home from Anne's Open Studio   5:25 pm

Ocean Beach   6:28 pm

Getting close to being finished.