Lucille's for lunch and talk


Anne's Open Studio

Far Out Gallery is so far out it's practically on the beach. Anne has invited three other artists to share her space for this event: Andrea Fono, Erik Niemann, and Liana Steinmetz.

top image:   Spotted Cat by Anne Herbst   oil on canvas   19" x 25"                                                                                                      photos by Linda Davick


Anne at her gallery Saturday during the opening for WAX. She's standing in front of a piece by Mari Marks.


From the coastal trail   5:51 pm    (Right before the ball game where we beat the Cubs 6-5 in the 13th inning.)

A visit to Creekside Smokehouse, lunch at Seville, and finally a nap and a book by Ann Patchett above Moss Beach. The book is pretty wonderful (Bel Canto).

Sometimes this is what it takes for me to come up with a couple of words that work.

Ocean Beach   6:12 pm

I love stamps. Especially these.


Saturday at FOG

Carmen, despite that annoying e-collar, happily welcomes all visitors to FOG's (Far Out Gallery's) Autumnal Equinox Celebration. If you haven't stopped by this charming gallery on Taraval, you're in for a treat.

Beverly Tharp's photographs collect more and more red dots.



Nobody on the beach this evening!  6:47 pm.

Ship Wreck

A shipwreck washed ashore! Complete with crow's nest, cannibal king chair, and ship's log (that's the book hanging by a string with the pen). In the log, you're asked to write "What I would have done differently."

lovely, dark and deep

Sunday   Ocean Beach   7:45 pm

Saturday   Ocean Beach   6:19 pm



Lunch at Lucille's!