Ocean Beach, 4:55 pm

Stephen Fox’s opening at FOG yesterday

Our pals down the street, Stephen and Barbara

Walking home down the Great Highway, 5:15 pm

A Chronicle Books happy hour at the Alchemist Bar

Happy Birthday, Ems

“Awesome sauce!” That’s what Emmy says when she adores something. The only problem is, now I can’t stop saying it.

A celebration of Carmen’s life and the closing of Anne’s show. That’s one of Carmen’s toys in Anne’s pocket, and Limelight in hand, sold.

Dinner with Susan and Ben’s son Ethiel, here for the National Preservation Conference

Ethiel’s family back at home.


Ocean Beach 4:32 pm

Ocean Beach 4:55 pm

Ocean Beach 4:58 pm

Anne's Opening

We were all starstruck by Anne’s bright and beautiful opening. Below: the level of detail in her paintings


Above the Sutro Baths 6:28 pm